Day 10 100words100days Write a description of your favourite exercise routine or class

357 words- nice! I interviewed someone I know instead of writing about myself. After all, other people are just as interesting as I am.


Today we are speaking with FD, a resident of Dubai.

FED: So FD, do you like to exercise?

FD: It is one of the core activities of my day. (Translation: Yes, I do like to exercise)

FED: What do you like about exercising?

FD: With my current routine, I walk away with a feeling of achievement and power. Plus, the sweat is a great fountain of youth. I also feel like more processing power is activated in my brain.

FED: Would you like to detail your routine for us?

FD: Sure! I recently discovered this Kiwi group exercise pre-choreographed set of complementary classes. They have all been designed under the brand Les Mills, and I select a combination of those classes for myself every week. The ones I usually attend are Body Combat, CX Worx, and Body Attack. I sometimes try to recover by going for Sh’bam and Zumba classes. It has always been my dream to run a 5k in a respectable time frame, so this is my new add-on this month.

FED: That sounds intense. Do you prep for the classes?

FD: When I started out, I’d run to a class out of sheer love for it, but the more I’ve been to these classes, the more I’ve realised that this is very much like school- you have to do your homework before you go in. I research different moves and techniques so that I can execute them efficiently during a class. Obviously no one knows what the instructor will throw at you, but it helps to be prepared at least a little bit.

FED: What kind of warm-ups and cool-downs do you prefer?

FD: For warm-ups, I use dynamic warm-up exercises, and then try to simulate the basic moves of a class at a lower intensity. And to cool down, I stretch.

FED: Do you do this every single day? Even school didn’t require that kind of commitment…

FD: This is not a task for me. It’s not a chore. It’s not something I loathe. It is something that adds great value to my life, so I don’t feel like missing a single day.


Thanks, FD! All the best with your 5k dream goal!

Disclaimer: Neither FD nor I are trained instructors. Please do not use whatever has been said here  as a blueprint for your own workout (unless you are FD. In which case, be my guest.)

As for me, I find that Zumba and Shbam (both are types of dance workouts) and Yoga are easier, and so I like them more. But Body Combat and Body Attack push me to try new ranges of motion which I am getting (incrementally) better at.

Oh, and for the record, FD and I are not the same person.

On to Day 11: Write a counterfactual piece around some historical event.

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