Day 67 100words100days Guidelines to run a successful training programme

Hello learning and development, my omnipresent colleague. We are face to face again.


The best advice for a person seeking to run a successful training programme would have to be: be prepared.

Training might be purely theoretical, or a simulation of a real-world experience, or a softer real-world experience, but it is still something that will throw curve balls at you when you least expect them.

Make sure you test everything that you can, several times if possible, and have contingency plans for your contingency plans.

And when these fail, as even the best laid plans are wont to do, here’s the next best piece of advice: be confident.

If you have done everything you can to know your subject backwards and forwards, and you have reviewed your plans till the cows came home and jumped over the moon, and every piece of material is alphabetised and color-coded, allow yourself the luxury of a little faith in yourself in case things don’t turn out quite as you envisioned them.

Your self-confidence will save your trainees from getting flustered.

And the last bit of advice, which is surely not the least: be a big-picture person.

You need to know how your cog fits into the machine, lest you feel inessential. Purpose will help you plan better, and prop your morale up on days when it needs a crutch.


Day 68: Favourite character from children’s literature- Charlie Bucket: his life after Wonka